Financial Contributions
Your Gifts Make a Real – and Lasting – Difference
We offer several easy ways for you to make a personal contribution to support our mission. We can assist with stock/equities gifts, personal property, IRA distributions, estate planning, and much more.
Options for Giving
A gift in any amount helps us provide free books and literacy enrichment opportunities for thousands of children and educators who most need support. View how your gift makes an impact (2023 Impact Report click here).
A $5 donation = One brand new book

You can make a
one-time donation, or set up a monthly, recurring donation with a simple online form. No checks to write and mail, with the assurance your gift arrives every 30 days.
Company Matching Gifts

Many employers offer their employees a chance to double their personal gifts with a company matching program. Your Human Resources staff can guide you and help initiate your gift.
IRA’s, Equities, Estates

Our financial advisors
can quickly and efficiently facilitate gifts of stock, securities, property, IRA distributions, trusts, estates
and more with a minimum of stress-free paperwork. Tax-saving strategies and other financial considerations may
be applicable and can be
discussed prior to gifting.
Memorials and Tributes

Consider creating a lasting tribute to a loved one with a gift in their name. We can help design a certificate, plaque, or other keepsake honoring their legacy, suitable for gift-giving or celebrating one of life’s milestones. Naming rights and room sponsorship opportunities are other options for lasting gifts.

Talk to our Development Team!
We recognize that your giving situation and intentions are unique.
We encourage you to discuss your options and wishes with our Development staff. We can address your interests and provide guidance in your giving considerations.
Gifts of property, including stocks, bonds, and other equities, are facilitated at no charge by estate planning professionals at Madison Community Foundation.
Email us at
Call us: (608) 665-0055
Mail: 1337 Greenway Cross, Suite 186, Madison, WI, 53716
Annual Fund
Your Annual Fund gift goes to work today, where it’s needed most.
Strategic Initiatives
These gifts support strategic projects to expand our outreach and develop priorities for future success.
Planned Giving
Your bequest to our endowment fund leaves a personal, lasting legacy on our literacy support programs for years to come.