10 Engaging Read-Aloud Hits to Capture Preschoolers' Attention by Jodie from Growing Book by Book
Here are ten books that are sure to get the command, “Read it again.” from the preschoolers in your life.

Picture Books that Validate Names by Maya from MaiStoryBook
As the new school year begins and we meet new students and littles meet new friends, this collection of picture books serves as a...

Let’s Talk About Race in Storytimes by Jessica Anne Bratt
When I created Let’s Talk About Race, it was to see if I could create a blueprint for entry level prejudice reduction conversations with...

A Liberated Library: Building a Bookshelf That Affirms, Empowers and Inspires Readers
by Aundrea Tabbs-Smith All of us experience events in our lives that make us question what we thought to be true. We are put in...

20 Children’s Books That Celebrate Love For Valentine’s Day by Margaret Kingsbury
While children’s books about love can and should be read year-round, Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to restock bookshelves with...

Modern Fairy Tales for Kids
Fairy tales are a wonderful way to incorporate conversations about activism, ethics, empathy and understanding. They often feature...

20 Kids Books to Manifest a More Mindful New Year
Books about mindfulness can be powerful tools for supporting children’s overall mental health and wellbeing. When chosen with intention,...

PLP: Providing Free Children’s Literature to Educators
Pride and Less Prejudice (PLP) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization working to create more inclusive classrooms by way of children’s...

Read Banned Books: a Brief List of Books That Have Been Challenged, Restricted, or Banned
Book banning isn't new, yet we're seeing record surges in the number of books being challenged. Most of the attempts target books written...

20 Picture Books to Celebrate Fall Holidays and Traditions
It’s fall, y’all! That magical time of year when nothing sounds more appealing than pumpkin spice anything, and you can hardly visit...